Artists & Community
- Amity Point
- Dunwich
- Point Lookout
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- A-D
- Abstract Artist
- Animator
- Aromatherapist
- Artisan Soap Maker
- Beekeepers
- Biochrome Artist
- Ceramic Artist
- Chainsaw Carver
- Cinematographer
- Clay Artist
- Clothing & Accessory Maker
- Colourblind Artist
- Crochet Artist
- Digital Artist
- E-O
- Embroiderer
- Fabric Designer
- Feltmaker
- Fibre Artist
- Graphic Artist
- Gyotaku Artist
- Jewellery Maker
- Lamp Designer
- Language Artist
- Lino Print Artist
- Metalsmith
- Mosaic Artist
- Multidisciplinary Artist
- P-Z
- Painter
- Photographer
- Quandamooka Truth Embassy
- Resin Artist
- T-shirt Designer
- Textile Artist
- Textile Design Artist
- Visual Artist
- Woodworker
- Writer
- community club
- competition
- gallery
- museum
- pop up gallery
- public art
Tamara Armstrong
I have been a maker for as long as I can remember and painting is my passion. Nature and colour provide the greatest amount of inspiration and I hope that my artwork uplifts viewers and provides collectors with a lifetime of joy.
Wendy Bailye
I work fulltime as a feltmaker and textile artist. Minjerribah is a place of infinite inspiration for me. It is where I come to recharge, get some soul food, commune deeply, and create.
Koo Ballard
I am a watercolour artist, painting original seascapes inspired by this beautiful island, which I turn into unique greeting cards.
Steve Barwell
Artist and state of affairs commentator:
“The more interesting the work the more disreputable it is.
Defaming reality is the best way of achieving grandeur of delusion.”
Renata Buziak
Renata Buziak is a biochrome artist, researcher, and educator working at the intersection of art and science with a focus on plant life.
Mandy Chen
Bridging her birthplace, Taiwan, and her adopted home in Australia, Mandy Chen, a 3rd culture kid, weaves a tapestry of cultures, life experiences, and emotions into her creative canvas.
Craig Clarey
Craig is a chainsaw carver, woodworker and jeweller. He works from his home in Amity, beginning his artistic journey in 2022.
Kay Cooke
My mother taught me to embroider when I was in primary school. I always think it was a way to make me sit still and yet keep me busy. I have improved my skills over the years by attending fantastic workshops and have learnt many different forms of embroidery including Cross stitch, Wool embroidery, Stumpwork, Crewel, Elizabethan, Ribbon, Goldwork and Brazilian.
Meredith Coyle
My lamps are created from my love of textiles that I have gathered from across the globe - ikats, indigo, barkcloth, ecodyes, European linens or just plain funky. My joy comes from teaming these with amazing bases.
Elinor Drake
I’ve loved Straddie for many, many years and have lived here since 2004. Living on this precious island beside the beautiful ocean is a privilege and a constant inspiration for my pottery and painting - two of my delights.
Julie Elliott
Julie has been making small batch cold process soap and natural skincare for over 2 decades. Inspired by the natural beauty of the Island, from the bush to the ocean, she is committed to minimising our impact on the earth.
Tracey Gee
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of clay. The pieces emerging from these raw source materials and the alchemy of glazing and firing combine in a never-ending learning journey of shapes, textures and hues!
Penny Gillespie
I am a contemporary jeweller and metalsmith. I create individually handcrafted pieces influenced by the changing colours, textures, light and sounds of the place where I live.
Reef Goodbun
Reef is an 11 year Point Lookout local who has a T-shirt brand called, “six fish”, where his drawings are showcased.
Dianna Greer
As an artist I have worked with many mediums over the years (dress design, ceramics, clay sculptures, tapestry) and am now currently enjoying painting and resin art.
Lee Harding
I am an artist with a love of nature, particularly the beach, sea and surrounds. So captivated by the sky with its amazing array of colours and shapely, colourful clouds that change moment to moment.
Jennifer Hillhouse
Jennifer enjoys making functional work to be enjoyed often in people’s homes. She likes to consider the harmony of a piece, a combination of design and just the right amount of fluidity is key to figuring out how to create a form that “sings”.