Salt Water Murris’ Quandamooka Art Gallery

iam: a gallery

Salt Water Murris’ - Quandamooka Art Gallery is a not-for-profit Aboriginal organisation and is based at Goompi (Dunwich) on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island). Salt Water Murris artists are the storytellers of their people, relating individual and collective memories through their artistic works. Quandamooka artists imbue their artistic productions with local cultural and moral beliefs, using Quandamooka frameworks for their visual stories that have a historical tradition and connection to Quandamooka lands and seas. The Salt Water Murris Quandamooka Art Gallery offers excellent and unique Indigenous art, Quandamooka artists’ graphic designs, cultural workshops and accessories and a range of Indigenous constructs perfect for gifts and souvenirs.

facebook: SWMQuandamooka 
instagram: @salt_water_murris_quandamooka
location: 3 Ballow Rd, Dunwich  


Amanda Richardson


Jess Scott